Pho Le Ho Chi Minh City – My Favorite Bowl of Pho
Eating a bowl of Pho in Ho Chi Minh City is equivalent to traveling to Tokyo and wanting to eat great sushi. Pho is one of the best-known dishes in the world, and of course, you want to eat this warm, light, and tasty soup while traveling in Vietnam. You might not have enough time to eat around, so let me give you my expertise, lay out the options for the best pho in Ho Chi Minh, and decide which one you would like to try!
If you want to check out our ultimate guide to the best pho in ho chi minh check out that article. We tried 10 bowls of Pho and ranked them by taste to provide an ultimate guide for travelers looking to eat Pho in Ho Chi Minh.
The Best Pho in Saigon is a Tough Debate.
After living in Saigon for a long time, we believe we are experts at finding the best street food in Saigon. We also believe that it is hard to say that something is the “best”. Indeed, you will hear many people say that the “best” pho is here and there. It’s a bit overwhelming, we know.
Pho Le

📍Location: 415 Nguyen Trai Street, District 5
⏰Open: 6 AM – 12 AM
💸Price: ~ 70.000 VND (~$3-4) per serving
💡 Tips: Mix hoisin and chili sauce in a separate bowl for an enhanced meat flavor and dip the beef in the sauce, preventing the soup from being overly garnished.